Strategic Perspectives


Creative Direction, Visualisation Design, UX & UI Design, Code

Visualising opportunities for shifting from fossil gas to renewable energy sources

As Creative Director, I was responsible to design and implement visualization and interaction concepts, as well as an explanatory and exploratory user interface.

In 2023, the European Union still strongly depends on imports of fossil gas. The EU Gas Insights tool, contrasts different scenarios for gas demand and supply, shows what a greener mix of energy sources could look like in the future and how the industry and buildings sectors can transition away from its current dependence on fossil fuels. The tool was presented to EU officials and decision makers to support the exploration of different options for a gas phase-out.

Client & Collaborators

Strategic Perspectives

Code & visualization support:
Dominikus Baur

Balancing Explanation and Exploration

On important goal for this project was to inform decision makers and the general public about the insights gathered by Strategic Perspectives, but also to allow a more free-form exploration of the data . So I wanted to strike a good balance between a traditional scrollytelling story and an exploratory tool.
To achieve this goal, all three visualizations of the tool are generally structured as scrollers that highlight facts and insights simultaneously in the text and the charts. Each chart also includes tooltips and an interactive legend to access the underlying numbers.

In addition each visualization includes a more exploratory mode in the last scene where users can toggle between different aspects of the data or even manipulate future gas supply sources by phasing out different import streams.

The user interface of the scrollers also support a more free-form navigation through an interactive progress bar that allows readers to jump back and forth between chapters or directly go to the exploratory mode.

  • Scrollytelling

  • Tooltips and Interactive Legends

  • Exploratory mode

Optimised to fit with Corporate Identity guidelines and all device resolutions


Girls Education in Pakistan