Loss Prevention Dashboard

Visualization Design & UX

I worked on this project during my time working at Fujitsu EST. Together with our UX/UI team I supported a Fujitsu internal customer through the design of an information display in a tool for loss prevention in retail. Here, my expertise in information visualization design allowed us to create an innovative concept and solve problems of the previous solutions. We further developed a styleguide to provide a more modern and clean look & feel.

Client | Fujitsu



Sketching different design ideas for dashboard components

At the beginning of the project a lot of different ideas were quickly iterated and selected using hand-drawn sketches. This allowed us to focus and define the user experience for the individual components of the dashboard in collaboration with the client.

Alternatives for showing temporal data

Different types of time series data played a central role in this project. Our goal was to find appropriate visualizations to show the patterns within different facets of the data and allow the analysts to make quick decisions.

We designed three time series visualizations: A simple line chart shows alerts for each store and will later be enhanced using techniques for showing a large number of stores at once. The stacked area chart allows to quickly understand the development of alert stati and provides details on a single store. The frequency plot shows how often an alert from a specific scenario occurs.

Designing line chart alternatives and interactions to avoid visual clutter.

Layouts & Color Concepts

The project went through different iterations regarding the use of color and the layout of the dashboard. The sketch on the left shows an intermediate step where categorical colors were used for the status of alerts instead of for the scenarios that created the alert. Although this creates a simpler color scheme, one key requirement became showing the scenarios as colored categories.


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