Life in Clay

Visualization Design & Pottery

The project “Life in Clay” explores turning data about my life and the lives of my loved ones into functional pottery. My goal in this project was to give our elusive personal data a physical presence by creating objects that can be touched, loved and used every day. The pattern of each handcrafted artifact represents a precious memory, experience or relationship that I want to remember or remind others of. The data pots create opportunities for the stories hidden in my data to be serendipitously reencountered, shared over dinner with friends or silently reflected upon with a cup of coffee on the couch.

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I have published a paper about the project together with Uta Hinrichs & Sheelagh Carpendale at the CHI 2017 Workshop on Quantified Data & Social Relationships

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Life in Clay has received an honorable mention at the Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards in 2017.




Personal Physicalization